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April 11, 2008

Bill Gates says Windows 7 is coming next year but hes just jive talkin

Billy Gates may have been doing some jive talkin when he mention that we’d see a new version of the OS “Sometime in the next year or so,” (“Or So” being the operative words) Well don’t get yourself in a tizzy over crazy Bills developer speak. “As is standard with the release of a new…

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April 03, 2008

Intel shows off worlds smallest PC motherboard at IDF

And we thought our Stealth LittlePC products were small…. At the recent Intel Developers Forum (IDF) in Shanghai, Intel showed what it considers to be the smallest motherboard on the planet. This motherboard, or mainboard PC circuit board, will go into the company’s next-generation “Moorestown” mobile Internet device (MID) platform due in the 2009-2010 time…

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March 30, 2008

Choose a Solid State Drive (SSD) for the right reasons

Flash based hard drives are being offered on a regular basis now from the top tier notebook manufacturers. There have been lots of recent reports saying that the failure rates have been extremely high with a 20 to 30% return rate. Stealth has been providing flash based solid state drive solutions for more than 10…

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March 24, 2008

Microsoft Vista SP1 finally released

Microsoft releases SP1 and here are the release notes – that have been anticipated for while now. They are mostly bug fixes and performance tweaks, but the sheer volume of them is certainly something to behold. SP1 includes 23 security updates and 550 hotfixes resulting in a 434.5MB download (726.5MB for the 64-bit version). SP1…

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March 20, 2008

Intel confirms it will ship quad-core chips designed specifically for laptops this year

Intel says it will ship quad-core chips designed specifically for laptops later this year. The quad-core chips, most likely for desktop replacement laptops, will be based on the Core 2 Duo architecture and will ship in the third quarter, Intel officials said. The initial quad-core processors will strain battery life and may first make their…

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March 19, 2008

Sir Arthur C. Clarke, his final odyssey (1917 -2008)

Science has just lost one of its greatest creative minds. Arthur C. Clarke has died in Sri Lanka at the age of 90. Clarke authored more than 100 science fiction books, including “2001: A Space Odyssey.” He is credited with the idea for geosynchronous communications satellites, space elevators, and predicting space travel before rockets were…