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March 17, 2008

New Organic Light Emitting Diodes from GE make a big step towards practical applications

GE has unveiled a successful demonstration of the world’s first roll-to-roll manufactured organic light-emitting diode (OLED) lighting devices. In layman’s terms, the OLED is similar to how a newspaper is printed. This technique should help substantially drive down the cost of OLEDs which is currently reserved for 14″ or smaller television screens costing thousands of…

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March 11, 2008

Can you walk, text and chew gum at the same time?

A little off topic but we enjoyed a few chuckles. A recent report suggests, human beings are becoming so amazingly stupid that they require cushioned street lamp pole so that when they run into them they don’t mess up their goofy faces. Apparently, a study in the UK found that 1 in 10 actually managed…

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March 09, 2008

Stealths Little PC Attracts Big Media Attention

It is always nice to get noticed in the media. With our recent launch of our latest Little PC, the LPC-450PCI, we received literally hundreds of blog entries and news stories on the product from all around the world. Here is a recent article published by ConnectIT Stealth launches mini PC with built-in PCI capability…

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February 24, 2008

Stealth Computer Corp. Introduces a Powerful Mini PC Featuring Built-in PCI Expansion Card Slot Capability

Stealths latest small form PC, the LPC-450PCI is now officially released. This diminutive sized machine utilizing Intel’s latest Core 2 Duo processor technology delivering generous processing power in a small sized computer system. Of course the key benefit of this version of Small PC is the available expansion slot which will allow users to easily…

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February 21, 2008

Microsoft pulls the plug on Vista SP1 update causing endless reboots

Responding to reports of endlessly rebooting PCs from support groups last week, Microsoft said on Tuesday it has pulled the recent updates for the coming Windows Vista SP1 The update is actually a pair of prerequisite files that modify Vista’s install components. This has been temporarily pulled from Windows update and Microsoft has not yet…

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February 19, 2008

The HD-DVD death gong echos around the world

Just in case you just arrived back from a desert island the HD-DVD format is deader then dead. Make way for Blu-Ray