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January 24, 2008

the Auditors are coming … the Auditors are coming

Today is a very important day for us as it’s our annual ISO 9001:2000 Audit. The ISO registration process is not a one time event but a long-term commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Although we attained ISO 9001 registration in 2001, we must continue to prove to an independent external auditor that our quality…

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January 22, 2008

Thirty million transistors on the head of a pin!

Thirty million transistors on the head of a pin. Think about that for a second. Intel’s new revolutionary 45nm processors seem to defy the laws of physics. Yup – its rocket science and beyond folks. When it comes to processors comprised of 800 million+ transistors, every fraction of a micron counts. Whether you fancy yourself…

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January 19, 2008

USB 3.0 coming down the track in 2008

Watch for the emergence of the new USB 3.0 standard to unfold in 2008. Intel and partners plan to release a new version of the Universal Serial Bus technology in the first part of 2008 with a data transfer rate of 10 times as fast as the current USB 2.0. The third-generation USB interconnect will…

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January 17, 2008

Stealth’s Industrial Grade TuffTouch LCD Monitor – Redux

We have re-launched one of our popular industrial grade LCD Monitors with improvements. The Stealth TuffTouch LCD was developed about 2 years ago and proudly won some industry product awards Since its introduction it has grown into the LCD monitor of choice for applications in dirty or plant floor environments. The new version still features…

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January 14, 2008

The WayBack Machine

Have you ever felt like taking a walk down a virtual memory lane? The Wayback Machine or the Internet Archive, is a cool site that has been archiving web pages since 1996 and has over 55 billion pages in its archive at present. As of 2006 the Wayback Machine contained almost 2 petabytes of data…

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January 10, 2008

R.I.P. Death of The Floppy Disc Drive

Are reports of its demise greatly exaggerated? …Um … NO! Now ask yourself, when was the last time you used a floppy? Floppy discs have been around since the 1970s and remain the oldest form of low cost removable storage still around. In a sense, it’s amazing they have hung around for this long. They…